Thursday, August 6, 2015



  Call or 620 215 3040 or 223 3331 to pre enroll  The enrollment will be held Friday, August 14, 2015, 4 to 7 P.M.  It will be in the First Baptist Church at 123 Scott.  Use the South side entrance next to the alley.  Look for  the name on the door. The cost for the three day a week class will be $75 and there is a non refundable $20 enrollment fee. Please bring the completed health form to enrollment.  No child will be able to start without a completed health form.  Your slot will be held through enrollment. If you miss enrollment, your opening will be given to someone on the waiting list.

fall sign up

 Please  call 620 223-3331 and let us know what class you want for your child .  The children must be three and potty trained and ready to be safe in a preschool environment.   One class is Monday-Wednesday Friday morning.  Another class is held Monday Wednesday-Friday afternoon.  The third class is Tuesday-Thursday morning.  It is Christian curriculum with emphasis on all skills to get the students ready for kindergarten.  THERE ARE OPENINGS IN ALLOF THE  CLASSES. Call if you have questions.

FALL 2015

Welcome to Sunbeam Christian Preschool!  Amanda Morillo will be the teacher this year for all the classes.  Kim Roberts will be her helper.  To pre enroll, call Mrs. Morillo at 620 215 3040.  Mrs. Barker is retiring. 

A big thank you to everyone who has ever sent a child to her.  She treasures the memories. The early records were lost in a fire.  But if it went right, praise God.  If it did not go right, she is sorry. Thank you again to everyone for sharing your child.  She will still be there at times.